Placement and Diagnosis Tests of English language ranging from A1 to C2 and Vocational English B1-C2 tests

Placement and Diagnosis Tests of English language ranging from A1 to C2 and Vocational English B1-C2 tests

1. Bradefild most broadly defines the test as “A special type of measurement tool whose main feature is that it obtains the student’s answers and considers them as an indicator of the student’s knowledge, skills, attitudes, etc.” Such a broad definition covers both teaching and psychological tests.

2. According to Wesman – “The test consists of a number of tasks to be solved by the examiner. Some test tasks are scored as indivisible units, others are divided according to the scoring objectives. Each of the test tasks provides unitary information about the person who took the test. ”

3. B. Niemierko formulates as follows – “A test is any set of tasks intended to be solved during one school activity and adapted to a specific teaching content in such a way that their results can be used to determine to what extent this content is mastered by the examined person”.

Various methods of identifying, documenting and verifying learning outcomes (Gmaj et al., 2016) can be used to validate learning outcomes acquired outside the formal education system (Council of the European Union, 2012).

The methods used in validation include: observation in real or simulated conditions, interview, analysis of evidence and declarations, or theoretical test, otherwise known as the knowledge test (Catalog of Validation Methods, http: // / pl /, Integrated Register of Qualifications, http: //

The test is one of the most frequently accepted methods of verification of learning outcomes required for market qualifications (see ZRK, It is also the most popular method of validation in 35 other European countries (Cedefop, European Commission and ICF, 2017).

The Educational Research Institute has developed the Catalog of Validation Methods,, which written and oral tests. Their aim is to determine whether a given skill level has been achieved by a candidate, and to compare the results obtained by different candidates.

Forms of checking knowledge by means of tests can be divided into:

  • area of ​​checked knowledge or skills (cognitive and non-cognitive tests);
  • type of knowledge tested (procedural knowledge of “how” type – verified in performance tests and declarative knowledge of “what” type – checked in tests and knowledge);
  • How to answer (written and oral tests) (Catalog of Validation Methods).
    In the verification of learning outcomes, all these forms of testing may be used, if so specified in an announcement of the competent minister, informing about the inclusion of a given market or regulated qualification in the IQS, in the qualification description field “requirements for validation and entities conducting validation”. The study focuses on written knowledge tests.

This test checks your passive knowledge of the English language, because, like all the proposed tests found on the Internet, it tests a maximum of only two of the language skills, partly reading comprehension and the rules of grammar in writing.

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