Set up your customized coaching planSpiritual Coaching is a way to involve a spiritual element to the traditional coaching relationship. A Spiritual Coach will guide their clients to find inner happiness, peace and harmony while supporting them on their journey to finding their own sense of wholeness.
Why spiritual Coaches are important?
They help you connect with a deeper meaning of the world and of life in general. Spiritual life Coaches help you find a deeper purpose and what it is that you love to do most. They work on helping you find balance so that you and those around you can benefit and thrive just by doing the things that you love every day.
Spiritual Coaching is a partnership to create meaningful change, transformation and lasting success in life and business. It’s not only about change: it’s about transformation and not just reaching goals but being present with the process.
When life lacks meaning, when achievements seem empty or the promised land is revealed as a wasteland it’s time to call your nearest Spiritual Coach, says Spiritual Coaching Tutor Caroline Shola Arewa.
If ‘Spiritual Coaching’ conjures images of ethereal creatures wafting around in a new age daze, trailing incense and good intentions, think again. and if you expect to be introduced to your Native American guide at your first Spiritual Coaching session, you may be disappointed as The Coaching Academy’s Spiritual Coaching Tutor Caroline Shola Arewa explains. ‘It’s not about religion, it’s not about God or star-gazing or crystal waving, and it’s not about the new age or any limitations. That leads me to what it is … it’s expansion. It’s about working with people’s purpose and meaning and having a more expansive approach to the work you do.
‘Spiritual Coaching is a partnership to create meaningful change, transformation and lasting success in life and business. It’s not only about change: it’s about transformation and not just reaching goals but being present with the process. ‘It’s really helping people develop the way they work. ‘I think a spiritual perspective can help to deepen our own lives and help us to gain more meaning and purpose and that then impacts on the work that we do, whether that’s coaching or any other kind of work.
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