Customized session package & Coaching promotion
Set up your customized coaching planTo be more suited to market needs we offer individual programme’s possibility
The beauty of an individual coaching programme is the way it allows our Coaches to tailor your programme entirely to your needs, SWOT-strengths and weaknesses, goals, training time, competition periods and lifestyle which constitutes its uniqueness. The programme is open to any walk of life because we all are exceptional. Yes, your coaching is a treasure that is worthy of an investment. You are worth our attention to reach your full potential, but that needs input from Coach’es side. Decide on Exclusive Premium*Programme tailor-made fot you because……
- see below for Premium Coaching detail
find the PROMOTIONS payment page and select option 3
Our coaching community combines knowledge and experience from various occupational groups. We integrate perspectives of artists, psychologists and economists, marketing experts and HR-specialists: classical scholars just to name a few. All under the umbrella of a shared coaching philosophy with systemic approach, approved by coaching institutions with world-wide reputation.
our Coach’s wide-ranging expertise and human diversity is beneficial to you:
- it allows us to tailor our services specifically to your needs
- select the right colleague accordingly.
For us, that is our certain recipe to succeed concurrently with you.
… and settle the price for 3, 5, 8, 10, 12 hourly sessions
select Packages you wish:
Life Job Career Coaching package:
3-session Package for the price of £ 65/1 h – 3 sessions to be paid in advance
5-session Package in price of £ 60/1 hour- session
-must pay 3 in advance
10-session Package in price of £55/1 hour- session
-must pay 3 in advance
Business g prices:
- 10-session Package in price of 10 sessions: £ 60 per session
- tailor-made session Package -to order it, discuss details and agree on individual price …….. contact our Key Account Manager at e-mail:
- PREMIUM Package
Coaching Promotion
There are three options in acquiring Coaching sessions:
- 6-session Package in price of 5 sessions: £ 60 per session
- 12-session Package in price of 10 sessions: £ 60 per session
- tailor-made session Package -to order it, discuss details and agree on individual price …….. contact our Key Account Manager at e-mail:
Premium Coaching Prices: Executive
- 3-session Package for the price of £120/1hour- session
- 5-session Package – for the price of £110/1hour- session
- 7-session Package – for the price of £ 90/1hour- session
- 10-session Package – for the price of £ 80/1hour- session
Premium coaching sessions Packages mean extraordinary approach with senior Coach who has holistic and broad experience not only in coaching but is an expert in another field like : business, management, economics, art, work environment, friendship, advising, counselling, and knows how to accompany you on your way to fulfilment. They dare ask you question you have never expected. They are nor afraid to move you to tears for your sake
In the case you know what you want to be coached on …. see the ready made Coaching Promotion packages (move to PROMOTIONS) for simplified and instant contact* with selected Coach
* since we follow the rule of ICF quality and standards the selected Coach is allowed to be assigned the definite number of Coachees (3 per day) and may not be available at the moment when requested by you, then email us:
Set up your customized coaching plan